
The Healing Traditions of
Healing Traditions of Foods, Herbs & Essences


Health and Wellness Consultations are focused on either traditional herb, flower essence or food nutrition therapy. However, if time allows, recommendations and information in other modalities can be offered. In her practice, Claudia works with children, adults, pre-pregnant & pregnant woman and elders with a wide range health challenges. Phone consultations are available for most services.

Herb Consultations focus on addressing physical imbalances and ailments with personalized herb formulations and other traditional remedies.

Flower Essence Consultations focus on addressing stresses in the psyche and developing the emotional balance, whether for an acute development (such as grief or trauma) or for on-going situations (such as anxiety, learning disability, or general malaise). This, in turn, can have a potent effect on recovery from physical ailments. Personalized flower essence formulas are offered.

Food and Nutrition Consultations focus on developing a traditional food diet that serves a person’s vitality, along with particular health challenges and taste preferences. Claudia has a particular focus on healing foods for digestive ailments, gluten-intolerance and carbohydrate specific diets, commonly known as GAPS Diet (coined from the “Gut And Psychology Syndrome” by Dr Natasha McBride). Information about particular foods and recipes are offered.

Please note: While Claudia Keel is certified by many noted schools, trainings and apprenticeships, and continues with on-going professional training, neither traditional western herbal therapy, nor flower essence therapy nor traditional food and nutrition therapy are medically licensed modalities in the Untied States. Consultations are not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your medical doctor or other medically licensed health care professional.


Other Services

Herb, Flower Essence, Nutrition and Cooking workshops are available on a wide variety of topics for your community.

Wild Food & Herb Walks and organic Herb Garden Consultations are available for individuals or groups. Sessions can be held at an East Village Community Garden or a place of your choice.

Animal Flower Essence consultation and formulas focus on addressing stress and behaviors in the animal’s life and environment. Flower essences have also been demonstrated to be very effective in helping an animal recover from abusive and traumatic experiences.

Traditional Food preparation and cooking  sessions, Healthy Kitchen sessions and Healthy Shopping sessions are available for individuals or groups.

Food Club Consultations and Local, Sustainable & Artisin Food Sourcing Claudia founded and directed the Traditional Nutrition Guild and the Traditional Foods Club, a large metro-NY buying club that became a non-profit organization. She brings a wealth of experience and knowledge related to structures, food sourcing, web ordering and design, and legal concerns to provide options tailored to particular needs.

Mural Painting & Restoration consultations as well as Art Classes for individuals or group. for more information.